Care Guides Tropical Plants

Philodendron Prince Of Orange: The Complete Care Guide

October 21, 2022
A green and orange philodendron plant on a white background

‘Prince of Orange’ is a stunning, and relatively new, hybrid cultivar of the already popular Philodendron. This genus comes from the tropical jungles of South America, however since it has been bred by humans, Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ never naturally grows here.

Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ leaves go through stunning color changing throughout its lifespan and at any given moment displays numerous different vibrant hues. Since this is such a beautiful plant, I made this post to detail everything you need to know about the care of a Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’.

Quick Facts

A small Philodendron Prince of Orange plant in a black and white pot
  • Common Name: Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
  • Scientific Name: Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
  • Mature Size: 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide; can be fast growing in optimal conditions
  • Sunlight: bright, indirect/filtered sunlight
  • Water: water thoroughly and allow top 2 inches of soil to dry
  • Soil: nutrient rich, arid/well-draining soil
  • Hardiness Zone: 9-11
  • Propagation: leaf cuttings

The ‘Prince of Orange’ plant is such a unique philodendron cultivar both in its appearance and growth habits. Unlike most other philodendrons, ‘Prince of Orange’ does not grow like a vine. Instead it grows low to the ground and sprouts new leaves from a central area, with a rosette pattern. A full grown Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ will reach a size of about 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide.

A large Prince of Orange philodendron that received great care

P. ‘Prince of Orange’ also has an impressive show of colors. New leaves emerge from the center of the plant a bright orange color. As the individual leaves age, the color changes to an orange varying from salmon pink to a rich copper. As a leaf reaches maturity, it will ultimately be a deep green. Since ‘Prince of Orange’ grows quickly, at any one time, this rainbow of colors will always be on display.

The Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ has glossy, oval shaped leaves that delicately uncurl as they grow. The tips come to a thin point.

An up close picture of a new Prince of Orange leaf

It is a great indoor plant that requires minimal care and is not overly fussy! P. ‘Prince of Orange’ also does fabulous as an outdoor plant in more tropical climates such as the southern states in the U.S.


The ‘Prince of Orange’ philodendron light requirements are much the same as other plants that live in dense tropical forests. It does best in environments that mimic the natural light it would receive in nature. ‘Prince of Orange’ enjoys bright, indirect light (next to a bright window but out of direct sun) or bright filtered light (in a bright window behind a sheer curtain). Make sure to rotate the plant once a week as it quickly will lean towards the light and become lopsided.

Philodendron Prince of Orange in bright sunlight

Bright, indirect light is extremely important because it will encourage the colors to be brilliant and electric. However, long exposure of direct sunlight is detrimental. Because this plant is a hybrid of the philodendron that dwells under the forest canopy, ‘Prince of Orange’ doesn’t do well in direct sun for multiple hours every day, especially the afternoon sun when it’s the hottest.

Oddly enough, if exposed to too much light, the ‘Prince of Orange’ philodendron’s colors will actually fade.


Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ likes to be thoroughly drenched. Use tepid water that is room temperature. Place your potted ‘Prince of Orange’ in a sink and pour water into the pot at the base of the plant until you see water coming out the drainage hole. Leave the pot in the sink until the excess water drains.

It is best to let the top two inches of soil dry out before watering again. At this point, the soil will still be moist but not soaking. Too much water can lead to root rot which can be hard to reverse!

A vibrant orange Prince of Orange philodendron leaf

The winter is outside of the growing season for the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’. Starting mid fall through late winter, decrease the number of waterings to about twice a month. This plant still likes a humid environment. To achieve this in the dry winter you can either gently mist your plant daily, add a humidifier or place it on top of a pebble tray.


Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ care is all encompassing and includes high quality soil. The first component is organic material which provides nutrients and helps the plant grow. I like to use worm castings as the base of the soil which are essentially the byproduct of earthworms. Worm castings are a natural fertilizer and provide rich nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Repotting a small Prince of Orange plant

Another component in soil that encourages supple growth is orchid bark chips. These chips are pieces of shredded tree bark. Orchid bark is used to prevent soil compaction to allow for adequate aeration. Because orchid bark takes up space and prevents compaction, it also facilitates drainage of excess water.

Coconut coir is fiber from the husk of a coconut. It may seem like an oxymoron but coconut coir is a top choice soil ingredient because it facilitates drainage but also holds onto a significant amount of moisture. If you cannot find coconut coir at your local gardening store, peat moss is a good alternative that is more commonly found.

In addition to these three components, I also like to add a little perlite to the mixture as well to really prevent water pockets from building up in the soil.

You can get a completely store bought bag of soil that have all of these elements, or you can buy each ingredient separately and mix them using the following measurements:

  • 50% worm castings
  • 25% orchid bark
  • 15% coconut coir
  • 10% perlite


The average household temperature is tolerated well by ‘Prince of Orange’. This plant prefers temperatures from 65F to 80F indoors. If you live in a tropical/subtropical environment, P. ‘Prince of Orange’ can be planted in the ground.

Take into consideration the USDA Hardiness Zone. ‘Prince of Orange’ does well in zones 9-11. It can tolerate minimal drops into the 40Fs but ideally should not be exposed to regular temperatures below 50F. It definitely will not tolerate frost.


Only fertilize your ‘Prince of Orange’ plant in the spring and summer months when the plant is actively growing. Use a fertilizer with equal parts nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium and dilute with one part fertilizer to three to four parts water.

If you have re-potted your plant with fresh soil in the past 6 months, I would avoid adding additional fertilizer until the next growing season.


Let’s now step away from just talking about how to care for a Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ to learning how to propagate this lovely plant. The most productive way to propagate ‘Prince of Orange’ is to do it by stem cuttings and either planting directly into soil or allowing it to root in water.

Tools used to propagate a Philodendron Prince of Orange

Propagation of ‘Prince of Orange’ in Soil

  • To achieve the best results, choose a stem cutting that is healthy. Avoid any cuttings with leaves that are old, have brown spots or appear to be wilting.
  • Using clean, sharp gardening cutters, cut the stem about ½ an inch below a leaf node. A leaf node is the point on the stem on which a leaf attaches. The best cuttings will be from the top portion of the plant. Because ‘Prince of Orange’ leaves grow so close together, it is best to wait until the plant is more mature so you have a longer stem to work with.
  • Plant the new cutting in fresh soil using the same soil mentioned above. The cutting should be planted at least 3 inches deep and at least one node should be under the soil.
  • Keep the soil moist with water using a spray bottle; thoroughly mist the top of the soil frequently to keep the top layers of soil slightly damp.
  • Do this for four to six weeks until new roots have formed. During this time, keep the newly propagated plant out of direct sunlight.
  • Once roots have formed, begin to care for your ‘Prince of Orange’ as you would a mature plant!

Propagation of ‘Prince of Orange’ in Water

  • Obtain a stem cutting in the same way you would if you were going to propagate your Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ in soil.
  • Fill a clear jar with filtered water, just until the first node is covered. Be sure to change the water every 2-4 days so it is clean and clear. With each water change, add a small amount of liquid fertilizer per fertilizer instructions.
  • Once you notice roots forming, usually within four to six weeks, transplant into soil and begin to provide care as you would for a mature plant.

‘Prince of Orange’ Philodendron propagation does take some time, so be patient and you will be rewarded!

Common Problems


Plant pests are just that…pests! They are annoying and while the ‘Prince of Orange’ isn’t as susceptible to insects and bugs as other plants, an occasional pest infestation can still happen. To provide your Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ with the best care possible, perform weekly checks of all the nooks and crannies and underneath the leaves for any signs of unwanted insect life.

Aphids are known to bother ‘Prince of Orange’ plants. They are very tiny insects with oval shaped bodies. They can come in a variety of colors such as green, gray or black. You can identify an aphid issues by simply spotting them moving on and around your place. You may also notice that your P. ‘Prince of Orange’ has leaves with yellow speckles covering the surfaces.

Hundreds of aphids on the back of a green leaf

Aphids can be treated by spraying the entire plant with rubbing alcohol. Gently mist rubbing alcohol onto the ‘Prince of Orange’ using a spray bottle. Using a paper towel or a q-tip to wipe the leaves and stems.

Another pest that can cause issues is the fungus gnat. Fungus gnats are small black or dark gray flying insects that tend to hover just above the soil. You may also notice a couple rogue gnats flying around your home. The best way to care for your Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ with a fungus gnat problem is to lightly spray the top of the soil with a rubbing alcohol and to catch any flying gnats with a sticky gnat trap.

Lastly, you may encounter mealybugs snacking on your ‘Prince of Orange’. These are small 4mm long insects with white or light gray bodies. They often clump together underneath leaves or along the plant’s stem. These clusters of mealybugs have the appearance of fluffy cotton balls. Use a cotton tipped applicator or a paper towel soaked with rubbing alcohol and wipe away these colonies. For a more systemic treatment, spray the plant with neem oil.

Root Rot

Because this type of philodendron likes to have semi-moist soil, caring for the ‘Prince of Orange’ can be a bit of a balancing act in the watering department to avoid root rot. Root rot is due to overwatering and improper soil. When roots are constantly wet and in standing water, they are deprived of oxygen and begin to rot, causing systemic problems.

A close up picture of a plants root with root rot

To avoid root rot in your ‘Prince of Orange’ water only when the top two inches of soil are completely dry! Planting your ‘Prince of Orange’ in high-quality, well draining soil in a pot with a drainage hole is key to preventing conditions that lead to root rot.

If your Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ has root rot you will notice stunted growth or no new growth at all. Leaves will look droopy and turn a sickly yellow. Roots will be mushy and an unhealthy brown, black color.

To diagnose root rot, take the plant out of the soil and look at the roots. Cut away any damaged roots and gently knock off all excess soil from the healthy roots. Place the plant on newspaper for three to five days allowing the healthy roots to dry completely. Re-pot in new, well draining soil and cut back on the number of times you water the ‘Prince of Orange’.

For more information on plant pests, check out this post!


The ‘Prince of Orange’ is toxic to both humans and animals so be sure to keep up and away from curious little creatures! Because this philodendron has compact growth, it is easy to keep on an elevated surface.

Wrapping up Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ Care

I hope this has given you more insight into how to care for your Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ so you can have this delightfully tropical plant flourish in your home. Take care when watering as this plant is very easy to overwater as you try and balance its need for moisture and good drainage.